According to the WHO, aging is a physiological process that begins with the birth and continues throughout the life cycle. When reaching the last part of the cycle, a lack of adaptation of the organism to the environment appears and, with it, diseases. It is individual and depends on each person.
It is characterized because it occurs in all
living beings, emphasizing on the last years. However, it happens neither at
the same time nor in the same way. It should be measured from a triple
perspective: biological, psychological and social.
There are some physiological changes that occur
during the aging, in which the nurse can contribute to improve them. These
changes occur in different systems, standing out: integumentary system,
musculosketal system, respiratory system, urinary system, nervous system,
cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal system, mainly.
While it is true that the physiological changes
associated with aging are difficult to avoid, the nurse has an important role
to achieve the psychological and social consequences associated, minimizing
them as much as possible, improving the patients' quality of life.
For instance, by highlighting the importance of
providing adequate fluid to prevent the dehydration or reducing the pressure
over the bony prominences, to prevent skin breakdown. It is also necessary to
provide assistance and modify physical environment by initiating safety precautions
to decrease the risk of falls.
Therefore, I consider that the nurse must know in deep all changes that could take place, as well as the interventions that could improve them.
In terms of social perspective, one of the main
problems of the elderly is depression. In many cases it is untreated, even when
it is considered as an important part of the process. The nurse is a key person in the early
detection and treatment of this disease.
As explained in the article, and according to
the WHO, since we are born begins the process of aging. This is not a bad
thing, but quite the contrary; aging is an indicator of the improvement of
health in the world. It is necessary
to meet the goal of keeping the aged persons as independent as possible,
maintaining their quality of life.
- Bengoa J. ¿Qué es envejecer? An Venez Nutr [Revista en internet]. 2001 ene [2 de marzo del 2013]; 14(1). Disponible en:
- WHO [Internet]. Disponible en:
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