In our society the population is very old so they need the best health care system to cover their needs.
- Acute Geriatric Units.
- Geriatric unit for functional recovery.
- Geriatric day hospital.
- Home-hospitalization.
The nurse attends patients at all of these levels. The main objectives are the following:
- To avoid the chronicity and treating psychopathology resistances: intensify and complete therapeutic actions in those patients requiring treatment of longevity, among other activities.
- Development of individualized plans for treatment and rehabilitation.
- To promote the acquisition of skills that enhance the autonomy of the patient.
The nurse is a key figure in taking care of the patients and monitoring them at all levels, among other functions, depending on the level where she works.
- Fernández Fernández M, Solano Jaurrieta J. Niveles asistenciales en geriátria. Tratado de geriatría para residentes. Disponible en: