sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013


The nursing process is the application of the scientific method in practical health care. This method allows nurses to provide care in a rational, logical and systematic way. This process is divided in five parts: nursing assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. 

To conduct the nursing assessment we focus on the 14 needs of Virginia Henderson, which are as follow:

As the article mentioned in the bibliography shows, elderly people care has become a dynamic field, because of the patient's needs and the professional´s requests needed to provide the right answers in our environment. I agree with this afirmation. I totally agree with the article, as life expectancy has increased in recent decades and have released new therapies and treatments that make it necessary that health professionals acquire new knowledge continuously.


lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013


The overall geriatric assessment covers various areas: 

This valuation constitutes a diagnostic process that detects and quantifies the problems, neccesities and abilities of the elder in the above areas.

The following table shows the different scales used in the geriatric assessment, in the four areas.

Focusing on the functional sphere, highlighting the assessment focuses on collecting information about the ability of the elderly to perform their usual activity and maintain their independence over the medium where their are located
Daily activities are divided into basic and instrumental. There are different scales for each case.

Some studies related functional decline with some pathologies. 
In the article mentioned in the bibliography the functional decline in the elderly within a period of two years is studied. There were two groups: one of independent elders to the activities of everyday life and one of those who were dependent. Within each group, there were older people with cognitive impairment; others with depressive symptoms; and a third part, who suffered from cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms.

The results concluded that suffering, at the same time, cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms are risk factors for the functional decline in dependent elder to the activities of everyday life. On the other hand, cognitive impairment is the factor that leads to a greater decline in elderly with previous dependence on some activities of every day life.

To conclude, note that cognitive impairment is the factor that affects the most to the degree of dependence of the elderly population.


  • Mehta KM, Yaffe K, Covinsky KE. Cognitive Impairment, Depressive Symptoms, and Functional Decline in Older People. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002; 50 (6):1045-50. Disponible en: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2939718/?tool=pubmed

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013


Aging is the process of becoming older, a process that is genetically determined and environmentally modulated. There are several theories that try to explain this process.

The biological theories of aging attempt to explain why the physical changes occur. On the other hand, the psychosocial theories try to explain why older adults have different responses to the aging process. I am going to focus this post on one of the biological theories, called the Free Radical Theory.

This theory provides an explanation for cell damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body during the normal metabolism or exposure to radiation and pollution. Excessive accumulation of free radicals is suspected to cause damage to the cells, DNA and the immune system, contributing to the physiological changes of the aging and a variety of diseases. Individuals who support this theory propose that the number of free radicals could be reduced by the use of antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. 

An example of this is Hiromi Shinya, a Japanese doctor who wrote “The Enzyme Factor”.  In this book he indicates that there is a mother enzyme that determines the duration of our lives and has the ability to become any type of specific enzyme in response to a particular need of the organism. Therefore, health depends on our capacity to keep the mother enzymes of the body. One of the steps is to avoid free radicals, since they consume the enzymes. However, our life style is full of elements that generate them: stress, pollution of the air, electromagnetic waves, viral or bacterial infections, and exposure to radiation. In addition, drinking, smoking, eating foods with additives, rusty food and drugs also originate harmful free radicals, which increase the chances of contracting diseases. To save the enzymes it is necessary to create an intestinal environment that produces "good" bacteria which produce antioxidant enzymes. 


  • Hiromi Shinya. La enzima prodigiosa. 1ª Edición: Aguilar; 2013.

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013


According to the WHO, aging is a physiological process that begins with the birth and continues throughout the life cycle. When reaching the last part of the cycle, a lack of adaptation of the organism to the environment appears and, with it, diseases. It is individual and depends on each person.

It is characterized because it occurs in all living beings, emphasizing on the last years. However, it happens neither at the same time nor in the same way. It should be measured from a triple perspective: biological, psychological and social.

There are some physiological changes that occur during the aging, in which the nurse can contribute to improve them. These changes occur in different systems, standing out: integumentary system, musculosketal system, respiratory system, urinary system, nervous system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal system, mainly. 

While it is true that the physiological changes associated with aging are difficult to avoid, the nurse has an important role to achieve the psychological and social consequences associated, minimizing them as much as possible, improving the patients' quality of life.

For instance, by highlighting the importance of providing adequate fluid to prevent the dehydration or reducing the pressure over the bony prominences, to prevent skin breakdown. It is also necessary to provide assistance and modify physical environment by initiating safety precautions to decrease the risk of falls.

Therefore, I consider that the nurse must know in deep all changes that could take place, as well as the interventions that could improve them.

In terms of social perspective, one of the main problems of the elderly is depression. In many cases it is untreated, even when it is considered as an important part of the process. The nurse is a key person in the early detection and treatment of this disease.

As explained in the article, and according to the WHO, since we are born begins the process of aging. This is not a bad thing, but quite the contrary; aging is an indicator of the improvement of health in the world. It is necessary to meet the goal of keeping the aged persons as independent as possible, maintaining their quality of life.
