lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


Falls are a major cause of injury, disability and even death in the elderly.  Falls can cause moderate to severe injuries, such as hip fractures and head injuries, and can increase the risk of early death. 

This is a problem with great significance in our society. It is expected that one third of people older than 64 years living in the community, fall within the period of one year. Falls are the leading cause of injury death. They are also the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma. Several studies agree that the elderly have an increased risk of falls.

The nurse has a fundamental task in the prevention of this problem in the different levels of care. In the case of primary care, as a professional who performs home visits, she can detect and modify aspects that increase the risk for the elderly to fall.

How can older adults prevent falls?

  • Exercise regularly. It is important that the exercises focus on increasing leg strength and improving balance.
  • Ask their doctor or pharmacist to review their medicines—both prescription and over-the counter—to identify medicines that might cause side effects or interactions such as dizziness or drowsiness.
  • Make their homes safer by reducing tripping hazards. 
  • Adding grab bars inside and outside the tub or shower and next to the toilet. 
  • Adding railings on both sides of stairways. 
  • Improving the lighting in their homes.
  • Have their eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year and update their eyeglasses to maximize their vision.
As nurses, we must be aware of these details, even more if possible,  to prevent the problem and its consequences.


  • Zenewton André da Silva Gama, Antonia Gómez-Conesa. Factores de riesgo de caídas en ancianos: revisión sistemática. Rev Saúde Pública 2008;42(5):946-56. Disponible en:

martes, 23 de abril de 2013


Cognitive impairment and dementia are one of the most important public health problems in developed countries. They can be attributed to multiple factors linked to aging.

I am going to focus this post in the alzheimer disease. Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer is a progressive disease, which means that gradually, over time, more parts of the brain are damaged. As this happens, the symptoms become more severe. 

Nurses can find patients with this disease in the different levels of care. Depending on the state of the disease, it is not easy to deal with it, so nurses need to know what the main symptoms and consequences of this pathology are. 

I think that, once again, the key word is prevention. Nurse shares a lot of time with patients, so she has to be careful when working with old persons to find any symptoms, such as loss of memory or difficulty in retaining information. While there are some common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, it is important to remember that everyone is unique. No two people are likely to experience Alzheimer's disease in the same way.

Once the disease has been diagnosed, nurse also has a fundamental role in the care of the affected family. As I mentioned earlier, it is not always easy to deal with these patients. 

As the disease progresses, people with Alzheimer's will need more support from those who care for them. Eventually, they will need help with all their daily activities. This is going to be hard for the family.

In these cases the nurse should show them support at all times, teaching them how they can help their family member.


  • Balbás Liaño V.M. El profesional de Enfermería y el Alzheimer. Nure Investigación (13), 2005. 
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jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


The mobilization capacity is an indicator of the level of health of the elderly and their quality of life, since it determines its degree of independence. Immobility can be defined as the decreased ability to perform activities of daily living by deteriorating motor functions.

In aging, changes are given mostly to physiological level. The major physiological changes include decreased muscle mass and the decline of aerobic capacity by a decreasing in cardiac output. Together with the existence of diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, or COPD.

The best and main treatment for immobility is prevention, promoting physical activity and exercising the patient will better adapted to his environment, as well as detecting early disabling diseases and associated environmental factors.

I believe that immobility is one of the most common problems in the elderly, and from my point of view,  It should not be allowed. It cannot be avoided in all cases, but it is true that it depends largely on our performance as healthcare professionals.

As nurses, we should encourage the elderly to remain more independent, participating in activities according to their abilities. As well as prevent the immobility, this way the elderly will feel more active, and it will be good for his state of mind.


  • Torres Haba R, Nieto de Haro MD. Inmovilidad. Tratado de Geriatría para residentes. Madrid: Sociedad española de geriatría y gerontología. 211-216.

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013


Pressure ulcers is an issue that every nurse must know in depth, since we are the main responsible for prevention and treatment. Pressure ulcers is a problem that requires time, and is quite common among hospitalized elders, specially those who remain in bed.

Most pressure ulcers are preventable, so it is important to create education and prevention strategies that complete the different levels of care, always based on the best available scientific evidence. All patients must be assessed by scales of assessment of risk in order to initiate preventive measures as soon as possible.

On the basis of the best measure against pressure ulcers is prevention, which is the work of nursing, also note the lack of unified criteria to plan the cures between differents proffesionals.Some studies have explored the knowledgehe from nursing staff on the recommendations relating to prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The results found gaps in knowledge and related deficiencies in its application. In my opinion, and as well as it reflects the study, preventive measures are more standardized than the healing.

In terms of prevention, this figure highlights the points where ulcers occur the most, due to pressure:


martes, 2 de abril de 2013


The main pathology affecting the senescent do not differ from those which may affect other age groups. There are few diseases that only affect the persons recognized as elderly people. However, there are a number of characteristic elements of the geriatric pathological processes that determine the specificity of care and any professional who work in gerontology what should bear in mind.

Major general aspects of diseases of the elderly are:
  • tendency to chronicity.
  • greater use of health care resources.
  • less favorable prognosis.
  • pluripathology and polypharmacy.
  • heterogeneity and fragility.

On geriatric pathologic processes, the symptoms did not appear clearly. However, there are a number of symptoms that recur in various diseases, although not characterized by being of a specific one. The main symptom is the pain.

As stated by the article mentioned in the bibliography, the pain could and should be treated. I agree that medical personnel must not allow the elderly suffer, since there are therapeutic proposals to alleviate it. We cannot allow that pain is considered something normal in the elderly.

The geriatrics syndromes are expressed by a set of symptoms depending on the disease situation. There are a set of tables originated by the concurrence of a number of diseases which have their expression through pathological pictures not included in common diseases. It is a common way of presentation of the diseases of the elderly and require a care assessment of its meaning and etiology to give a proper treatment.

The geriatrics syndromes were described by Kane in 1989. There are:  inmobility, instability, incontinence,    intelectual impairment, infection, inanition, impairment of visión and hearing, irritable colon, isolation,        iatrogenesis,  inmune deficiency,  impotence.
